ColorWise® Nozzles

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Colorwise Nozzles

ColorWise® Temperature Warning Nozzles change from clear to blue, indicating that the chemical has reached a cold temperature and the foam should not be dispensed.

  1. Nozzle turns blue when chemical is at a cold temperature [below 60°F (16°C)].
  2. Nozzle is blue when left in cold conditions. It will return to clear when spraying chemical at optimum chemical temperature.
  3. Provides a visual indication at the point of spraying, that the chemical is too cold.
Optimum chemical temperature 70-85˚F
Blue nozzle STOP spraying. Warm chemical to recommended temperature.
Clear nozzle Chemical is at acceptable temperature range and is OK to spray.


Item Number
Additional Info

Colorwise® Long Cone Nozzles (10 Pack)

Cone nozzles are ideal for applications that require smaller, direct spray application.


Colorwise® Long Cone Nozzles (25 Pack)

Cone nozzles are ideal for applications that require smaller, direct spray application.